Banana Clip Hairstyle: The Ultimate Guide to Trendy Updos


Alright, so I’ve been seeing this banana clip hairstyle trend popping up all over my social media feeds lately, and I gotta say, I was intrigued. I mean, I remember these things from way back when, right? They were like, the staple hair accessory of my childhood. So, naturally, I had to give it a go and see if I could make it work for my hair now.

Banana Clip Hairstyle: The Ultimate Guide to Trendy Updos

First off, I had to actually find a banana clip. Turns out, they’re not as easy to come by as they used to be! I ended up ordering one online, nothing fancy, just a simple plastic one. When it arrived, I was ready to start experimenting.

Getting Started

I washed and dried my hair, just like I usually do. My hair’s kinda wavy, so I decided to embrace the texture and not straighten it. I wanted that “artfully disheveled” look, you know?

  • Brush it out: I grabbed my trusty brush and made sure my hair was tangle-free. Smooth sailing so far.
  • Gather it up: Next, I gathered all my hair at the back of my head, like I was going for a low ponytail. This is where the banana clip comes in.

The Clip-In Process

This is where things got a little tricky. I opened up the banana clip and tried to slide it in from the bottom, teeth facing up. It took a few tries to get all my hair tucked in neatly. I had to make sure the clip was positioned right in the center, so the hairstyle would be balanced.

  • Secure the clip: Once I had all my hair in, I snapped the clip shut. It felt pretty secure, but I was a little worried about it slipping out.
  • Adjust and fluff: This is the fun part! I started pulling out a few strands of hair around my face to frame it. Then, I gently tugged on the hair above the clip to create some volume and that effortless, undone vibe.

The Final Look

Honestly, I was pretty happy with how it turned out! It’s definitely a throwback, but in a cool, updated way. It’s super easy and quick, perfect for those days when you don’t have a ton of time to style your hair. Plus, it kept my hair out of my face all day, which is always a win.

I’ve been playing around with different variations, too. Sometimes I’ll do a half-up, half-down style, which is even easier. I just gather the top section of my hair, clip it in, and I’m good to go. It’s become my new go-to for a casual, everyday look. You could say the banana clip made a successful comeback in my life, and who knew, maybe you will find it useful.

Banana Clip Hairstyle: The Ultimate Guide to Trendy Updos


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