Ouroboros Logo: Why This Ancient Symbol Is Still Popular Today.
I stumbled upon this ouroboros thing the other day, and I thought, “Hey, that looks cool. I should try to make one.” I had...
Dan Marino M&M Commercial: Remember That Funny Ad? Lets Relive the Fun!
Okay, so, a few days ago, I was just messing around on the internet, you know, killing time. I was thinking about those old-school...
Shopping at Charming Charlie? Find Open Locations Here!
Okay, so the other day I was thinking about spicing up my wardrobe a bit, you know, adding some color and fun accessories. Then...
Before and After Wedding Ring Redesign: Fresh Looks for Old Rings.
Okay, so I’ve been wanting to share this for a while now, and the title pretty much says it all – “Before and After...
Sexy Lab Coat Fashion: Get Inspired by These Hot Looks and Trends Now
So, I had this idea to make a lab coat look, you know, kinda sexy. It all started when I saw those fashion shows,...