Rich Forever 5 Dropped: What You Gotta Know About It


Alright, alright, lemme tell ya ’bout this “Rich Forever 5” thing. I ain’t no fancy music critic, ya hear? Just tellin’ it like it is, the way I see it.

Rich Forever 5 Dropped: What You Gotta Know About It

So, these fellas, Rich The Kid, Famous Dex, and Jay Critch, they got this group, see? They call it “Rich Forever”. And this “Rich Forever 5”, well, it’s like their fifth get-together, a new mixtape they put out. Been a while since the last one, I reckon. Folks was talkin’ ’bout it, the magazines and all, sayin’ it’s somethin’ special.

Now, I ain’t know much ’bout these rappers before, but my grandson, he plays their stuff all the time. Boom boom boom, all day long! So, I kinda picked up a thing or two. This “Rich Forever 5,” it’s got like, 16 songs, and it don’t take too long to listen to the whole thing, maybe 37 minutes or so.

The first song, somethin’ ’bout “Sleep in Baguettes.” Baguettes? Like the bread? These city folks, I tell ya, they got strange ways. But the song, it’s got a good beat, makes ya wanna tap yer feet. My grandson, he says it’s a banger. Whatever that means.

  • Rich The Kid: He’s the main fella, I think. Got his own record label and all. Folks say he’s from Queens or somethin’. Heard he gives advice to young rappers too, like a good ol’ uncle, I guess.
  • Famous Dex: This one’s a bit wild, always jumpin’ around. My grandson says he’s got energy, like a squirrel on a sugar rush.
  • Jay Critch: Don’t know much ’bout this one, but he fits right in with the other two. They sound good together, like peas in a pod, as my mama used to say.

They ain’t do much shoutin’ ’bout this new mixtape, no big fuss or nothin’. Just dropped it, like, “Here ya go, folks, take it or leave it.” My grandson, he was all excited though, found it on somethin’ called “Audiomack.” Sounds like a truck stop to me, but he says it’s where you listen to music now. Kids these days, with their fancy gadgets.

This “Rich Forever” group, they been around for a bit. Rich The Kid, he started this whole thing back in 2016. Signed them other two fellas, Famous Dex and Jay Critch. They made some noise before, and now they back at it again with this “Rich Forever 5.”

Rich Forever 5 Dropped: What You Gotta Know About It

I listened to it, ya know, tryin’ to understand what the young folks like these days. It’s… different. Lots of fast talkin’, beats that make yer head bob, and talk ’bout money and fancy things. “Baguettes” and such. They singin’ ’bout bein’ rich forever, I guess. Well, that’s a nice dream, ain’t it? We all wanna be rich forever.

The music, it’s catchy, I gotta admit. Even this old lady can tap her foot to it. My grandson, he’s singin’ along, knowin’ all the words. He says it’s “fire.” Kids and their words. But I get it, it’s excitin’, makes ya feel somethin’. Maybe that’s what music is all about, makin’ ya feel somethin’, even if ya don’t understand all the words.

They talkin’ ‘bout the good life, the fast life. Cars, jewels, all that jazz. It’s a far cry from my life, that’s for sure. But it’s entertainin’, like watchin’ a movie. You see all these fancy things, and ya think, “Well, good for them.”

This “Rich Forever 5,” it’s a reunion, they say. These fellas gettin’ back together after some time apart. Like a family reunion, but with more rap and less potato salad. And folks are listenin’. My grandson ain’t the only one, I hear it from the neighbor’s kids too. They all playin’ this “Rich Forever 5”.

So, if ya wanna know what the young folks are listenin’ to, this “Rich Forever 5” mixtape, it’s a good place to start. It ain’t my kinda music, not the stuff I grew up with. But it’s got a beat, it’s got energy, and it makes people happy. And in this world, that’s somethin’ we all need a little more of, ain’t it? A little bit of happiness, even if it comes from a bunch of fellas singin’ ‘bout sleepin’ in baguettes.

Rich Forever 5 Dropped: What You Gotta Know About It

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some dinner. No baguettes for me tonight, just good ol’ fashioned meatloaf. But maybe I’ll tap my foot a little while I’m cookin’, thinkin’ ‘bout that “Rich Forever” music. It ain’t so bad, for what it is. Just a bunch of fellas makin’ noise, and folks listenin’. That’s the way of the world, I reckon.


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