What type of genre is Tame Impala Borderline? Well, that’s a thing. I heard it’s some kind of music, this Tame Impala.

That song, Borderline, it’s got a beat, I’ll tell ya that. It’s like that old music, you know, from when I was a little girl. Some folks call it psychedelic pop. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but the young folks like it.
What’s This Tame Impala Anyway?
This Tame Impala, they say it’s a band. But it’s really just one fella, some Kevin Parker. He does all the music, all by himself. Now, that’s somethin’. He’s from Australia, I heard. That’s far away, ain’t it? They say he records it all over the place. He started off playing in the rock scene in Perth. It didn’t take long before he was headlining Coachella and other international music festivals.
They say this music is psychedelic rock. Like that old-timey music with the guitars and all that noise. But it’s got other stuff in it, too. Some of that electronic stuff that the kids like these days. They use words like synth-pop and disco. My grandbaby tried to explain it to me once. He said Tame Impala is a mix of psychedelic rock, psychedelic pop, synth-pop, disco, and electronic music.
What’s Borderline All About?
This Borderline song, it’s about some gal and her fella. They say he’s a chauvinist, whatever that means. She’s complaining about him. They are having a bad relationship and it is not good for them. Sound familiar? Reminds me of some folks I know.
They say it’s like that 1970s music. That was a long time ago. I remember dancing to that kind of music when I was younger. Makes ya wanna move, even if it is a bit noisy.

- This Kevin fella wrote the song.
- He played all the instruments.
- And he sang it, too.
That’s a lot of work for one fella. He must be a busy body.
It’s Popular, I Guess
My grandbaby, he plays this Borderline song all the time. He says it’s a hit. A lot of people like it. Millions of people. Millions! Can you believe it? That’s more people than I’ve ever seen in my whole life. It is one of his favorite Tame Impala tracks. It’s a classic, he says.
They put it on the internet, and everyone can listen to it. It’s crazy what they can do these days. Back in my day, we had the radio. That was it. And you had to wait for your song to come on. These young folks, they got it easy.
Different Albums, Different Sounds
This Tame Impala fella, he’s got different albums. They don’t all sound the same. Some are more rock, some are more pop. It’s like a whole mix of stuff. I heard someone say his music called Innerspeaker is psych rock. And before that, there’s some garage rock type sounds.
This Borderline song, it’s on an album called The Slow Rush. Came out in 2020, I think. Or was it 2019? Time flies, don’t it? This song was released as a single on April 12, 2019. I don’t keep up with these things like I used to. I just listened to the music when they put out in 2020.

It’s All Just Music
At the end of the day, it’s all just music. Some folks like it, some folks don’t. This Tame Impala, it’s got a good beat. It’s fun to listen to, even if it is a bit loud sometimes. They said Tame Impala changed the alternative pop landscape.
This Borderline song, it’s a good one. It makes ya wanna tap your foot. Maybe even dance a little. If you’re into that kind of thing. They say it blends elements of psychedelic pop, funk. And that Kevin Parker guy, he’s a talented fella, I’ll give him that. Making all that music by himself. That’s somethin’ special.
So, what type of genre is Tame Impala Borderline? It’s a little bit of everything. But mostly, it’s just good music. And that’s all that really matters, ain’t it?