Okay, so the other day I was messing around online, just killing time, and I stumbled upon this thing called a “Future Last Name” quiz. Yeah, I know, sounds kinda silly, right? But hey, I was bored, so I thought, “Why not?”

I clicked on it, and it was basically just a bunch of random questions. Stuff like, “What’s your favorite color?” and “If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?” You know, the usual quiz-type stuff. I started answering them, not really thinking much of it. Just picking whatever popped into my head first.
- First question: “What’s your spirit animal?” I went with wolf. Seemed cool.
- Then it asked, “What’s your ideal weekend?” I put down “hiking in the mountains.” I do love a good hike.
- Next one was something like, “Choose a word that describes you.” I chose “adventurous.”
I kept going through these questions, some of them were actually kinda fun to think about. Others were just plain weird, like “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?” Seriously? But I played along, chose an oak, because why not?
Finally, I got to the end, clicked “submit,” and waited for my “future last name.” Drumroll please… it came up with “Starlight.”
Starlight? Seriously? That doesn’t sound like a last name! But, I don’t know, it’s kinda grown on me. It’s definitely unique, I’ll give it that. Maybe I should start introducing myself with that name, just to see people’s reactions.
Anyway, that’s my story about how I found out my supposed future last name. It was a fun little distraction, even if it was totally ridiculous. Maybe you should try it sometime, you never know what crazy name you might get!