Okay, so I had a lazy Sunday planned. I’ve been meaning to watch this Italian movie called “L’immensità” for a while now. I’d heard good things about it, and well, who doesn’t love a good Italian drama, right?

First, I gotta find where to watch it. I went to some of those movie databases, you know, the usual suspects. Punched in the title, browsed through the results, but I couldn’t find the full movie to watch it at that moment.
Then I thought, maybe some forums or social media groups dedicated to Italian cinema would have some leads. So I hit up Reddit, joined a couple of relevant groups, and started asking around. I even tried to make my question sound all sophisticated, like I’m some film critic, haha! Lots of chitchat, some recommendations for other movies, but still no luck finding where to stream “L’immensità.”
Feeling a bit defeated, I switched gears. Maybe I could find something similar to watch. Back to those movie databases I went. This time, I started searching by genre, keywords, that sort of thing. I typed in stuff like “family drama,” “Italian,” “coming-of-age.” Found a bunch of interesting titles, even stumbled upon a list of top-rated movies from the 2000s, which was a nice trip down memory lane. But my heart was still set on “L’immensità.”
While browsing, I got distracted by an ad. You know those targeted ads that seem to know exactly what you’re thinking? Well, this one was for some online shop. It caught my eye because it had this beautiful image of a crystal ball sun catcher. It was 2D, flat, looked like a Japanese cherry blossom design. Very pretty. It was tempting, I won’t lie. I almost clicked on it, but then I remembered I was on a movie mission.
Anyway, after all that searching and getting sidetracked, I still hadn’t found a place to watch “L’immensità.” I even tried those streaming services, but no dice. It was like the movie was playing hide and seek, and I was losing. I found it listed in some platforms but not available in my country. I thought about that “unusual traffic” message from Google. Maybe that was it?

And then I saw a page related to “catching charms” in some game. I have no idea what that is, maybe it is cool, but that was not I want at that time. I just want to find “L’immensità” to watch!
Exhausted, I gave up. Looks like “L’immensità” will have to wait for another day. Maybe I’ll have better luck next weekend. For now, I think I’ll just throw on some random anime and call it a day. I found this anime called “Jujutsu Kaisen.” It has good reviews. Might be interesting.