Well, let me tell ya ’bout these here shoes, the CPFM Grinch, they call ’em. Don’t rightly know what all them letters mean, but they sure are somethin’. Folks sayin’ they for the holidays, like Christmas and such. Now, I ain’t never seen shoes lookin’ quite like this before.

They got this… green… hairy stuff all over ’em. Like, real hairy, you know? Reminds me of that ol’ dog down the road, always gettin’ into somethin’. This here CPFM Nike Dunk Low, that’s what the young’uns call it, it’s covered in green shaggy hairs. Just like that dog, I tell ya!
- They sayin’ it’s like a fella named Grinch.
- Don’t know him, but sounds like a mean one.
- Maybe he got hairy feet too? Who knows?
This here shoe, it ain’t like them plain ol’ sneakers they got at the store. This one’s got… whatchamacallit… personality! Yeah, that’s it. Personality. It’s kinda like them fancy cars them city folk drive. You know, the ones that look like they gonna bite ya.
I heard some fella talkin’ ‘bout it down at the market. Said somethin’ ‘bout Cactus Plant Flea Market. Sounds like a bunch of hippies to me, sellin’ stuff outta the back of a truck. But hey, if they makin’ shoes like this, maybe they ain’t so bad after all. And then there’s that Nike name, everyone seems to know that one.
They got these little… pictures… on the side. One looks like a swirly thing, black and white. Kinda like them cookies my grandbaby likes. And then there’s the words… CPFM on one tongue and Nike on the other. Can’t hardly read it without my glasses, but it’s there alright. They all mismatched, just like my socks half the time!
Somebody told me these shoes are gonna be real popular. Said folks will be linin’ up to get ‘em. Can you believe that? Linin’ up for a pair of hairy shoes! Well, I guess folks got more money than sense these days.

Now, I ain’t no shoe expert, mind you. I wear what fits and what’s comfortable. But these… these Grinch shoes, they somethin’ else. They make ya look twice, that’s for sure. And I reckon that’s what them fancy shoe designers are tryin’ to do.
I heard tell there was another shoe like this before, all grassy and green. This one here, it’s for the holiday season they say. Makes sense I guess, with all that green. Reminds me of a Christmas tree, kinda. Except this one’s for your feet, not for puttin’ presents under.
Someone showed me a picture on their phone… said it was the first time anyone saw these shoes. It was on some kind of… social… media… thing. I don’t understand all that newfangled technology. Anyways, the picture showed the shoes all green. Just like a big ol’ patch of grass.
And them city folk, they gettin’ all excited about these shoes. Talkin’ about ‘em online, and in the stores, and everywhere you go. It’s like they never seen a pair of shoes before. But I guess that’s just how it is these days. Folks always lookin’ for the next big thing. And this here Nike Dunk Grinch seems to be it, for now anyways.
So, there you have it. That’s all I know about these here CPFM Grinch shoes. They hairy, they green, and they got folks talkin’. Whether you like ‘em or not, that’s up to you. But me? I think they’re kinda funny lookin’. But hey, what do I know? I’m just an old woman who wears sensible shoes.

But if you young ‘uns want to get all fancy and wear these Grinch vibes shoes, well go right ahead. Just don’t come cryin’ to me when your feet get cold! These are Nike Dunk Low shoes, if you forgot already. Now go on, get outta here and let me get back to my business!