Des Shoes: Are They Worth It? (Honest Review and Buyers Guide to Read!)


Today, I want to talk about something that’s been bugging me – shoes. Not just any shoes, but the whole process of designing them. It’s a bigger mess than you’d think.

Des Shoes: Are They Worth It? (Honest Review and Buyers Guide to Read!)

So, I started this whole thing because I had an idea for a shoe design. I sketched it out, all excited, thinking, “This is going to be awesome!” But then I realized I had no idea how to turn a drawing into an actual shoe. That’s where the trouble began.

Finding the Right People

First, I tried to find someone who could help me with the technical stuff. You know, like how to make a shoe that doesn’t fall apart after two steps. I asked around, talked to some folks who said they knew about shoe design, but most of them were just as lost as I was.

  • One guy told me I needed some special software, but it cost more than my car.
  • Another one said I should just 3D print the whole thing, which sounded cool but also kind of impossible.

Eventually, I found a local shoemaker, an old-timer who’s been doing this for decades. He looked at my sketches and basically laughed. Not in a mean way, but more like, “Oh, you sweet summer child” kind of way. He explained that making shoes is way more complicated than just drawing a pretty picture.

The Nitty-Gritty

He showed me how to make a pattern, which is like a blueprint for a shoe. It involves a lot of cardboard, cutting, and taping. I tried to follow along, but my pattern ended up looking like a crumpled-up paper bag. I messed up a lot, and after a few attempts I almost gave up. But then I decided to give it one more go and I finally got it.

Then there’s the whole material thing. Leather, fabric, rubber – each one behaves differently. The shoemaker showed me how to cut and stitch leather, and let me tell you, it’s not as easy as those YouTube videos make it look. I poked myself with the needle more times than I can count, and then my hands were so sore. And I ended up breaking a couple of needles.

Des Shoes: Are They Worth It? (Honest Review and Buyers Guide to Read!)

Putting It All Together

After weeks of trial and error, I finally had something that resembled a shoe. It wasn’t pretty, and it definitely wasn’t comfortable, but it was a shoe. Sort of. I tried to put it together but it was very difficult. I spent an entire afternoon trying to attach the sole to the upper part. I learned a lot about glue and how messy it can be.

The whole process was a huge mess, but I learned a ton. It made me appreciate all the shoes I’ve ever worn. It’s not just about having a cool design. It’s about knowing how materials work, how to cut and sew, and how to put everything together in a way that doesn’t hurt your feet.

So, next time you buy a pair of shoes, take a moment to think about all the work that went into them. It’s a lot more than you might think. And if you ever get the crazy idea to design your own shoes, be prepared for a wild ride. It’s tough, it’s messy, but hey, at least you’ll have a unique pair of kicks. Maybe. Probably not.


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