Ice Spice and That Shiny Thing Around Her Neck at the Super Bowl

You know, that girl, Ice Spice or somethin’, yeah, that’s the one. I saw her on the TV during that big football game, the Super Bowl they call it. Folks were makin’ a big fuss about somethin’ shiny around her neck. Looked like a chain to me, but what do I know? I’m just an old woman who watches TV sometimes.
Now, they tell me this chain thing is called an “Opium chain.” Sounds fancy, don’t it? But it ain’t nothin’ but a piece of metal, far as I can see. They say it had some kinda upside-down cross on it. Upside-down, right-side up, a cross is a cross, ain’t it? Lord knows these young folks and their fashion, always tryin’ to be different.
- The Super Bowl Fuss
- What is an Opium Chain?
- That Upside-Down Cross Thing
- Why People are Talkin’
People got all worked up about that chain. Said it was disrespectful or somethin’. Hmph, youngsters these days, always findin’ somethin’ to be upset about. Back in my day, we worried about real problems, like gettin’ enough food on the table and keepin’ the house warm. This chain thing? Just a bunch of hooey if you ask me.
I heard some folks sayin’ that Ice Spice girl is a rapper or somethin’. Don’t know much about that kinda music. Give me some good ol’ gospel any day. But I guess she’s popular with the young crowd. They follow her around on the internet, they tell me. “Feed,” they call it. Like feedin’ chickens, I guess. But instead of corn, they’re feedin’ on this girl’s pictures and whatnot.
Anyway, this chain thing, it got people talkin’. That’s for sure. Some folks were sayin’ she shouldn’t wear it, that it’s bad. Other folks were sayin’ it’s her choice, she can wear what she wants. Me? I don’t care much either way. She ain’t hurtin’ nobody, far as I can see. Just wearin’ a piece of metal around her neck. Big deal.
Seems like everyone’s got an opinion these days. And they all wanna shout it from the rooftops. Or on the internet, I guess. That’s where all the noise is these days. Can’t hardly hear yourself think with all that chatterin’ goin’ on.
Now, I don’t know this Ice Spice girl from Adam. Never heard her music, wouldn’t know her if she walked right up to me on the street. But I reckon she’s just tryin’ to make a livin’, just like the rest of us. And if she wants to wear a funny-lookin’ chain around her neck, well, that’s her business, ain’t it?
This whole thing reminds me of that time when my cousin Martha wore that bright red dress to church. Folks gossiped about it for weeks! Said it wasn’t proper, that she was tryin’ to show off. But Martha, she didn’t care. She liked that red dress, and she wore it with pride. Maybe this Ice Spice girl is the same way. Maybe she just likes that chain, and she don’t care what other people think.
The internet, they say it’s a powerful thing. Can make you famous overnight, or tear you down just as fast. Seems like a dangerous place to me. I’ll stick to my TV and my garden, thank you very much. Less drama that way.
So, this ice spice necklace superbowl thing, it’s just another one of those things that people get all worked up about. It’ll be forgotten soon enough, and somethin’ else will come along to take its place. That’s just the way the world works, I guess. Always somethin’ new to fuss about.
But me? I ain’t gonna lose no sleep over it. I got more important things to worry about, like makin’ sure the chickens are fed and the garden is watered. And maybe watchin’ a little bit of TV, if there’s nothin’ better to do. As for that chain and that girl, well, they can do as they please. It ain’t no skin off my nose.
Super Bowl, Opium chain, upside-down cross, it’s all just a bunch of words to me. Meanin’ this and that, dependin’ on who you ask. But in the end, it’s all just noise. The real important things in life, they ain’t got nothin’ to do with fancy chains or football games. They’re about family, and friends, and bein’ a good person. And that’s somethin’ that never goes out of style, no matter what the youngsters are wearin’ around their necks these days.