Dive into the world of niche: Get easy tips to find a niche that matches your interests.


So, I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole “niche” thing lately. You know, finding that special little corner of the world where you just fit. It’s like, everyone’s always saying, “Find your niche, find your niche!” But how do you actually do that? I mean, it’s not like there’s a map or something, right?

Dive into the world of niche: Get easy tips to find a niche that matches your interests.

First, I started by just paying attention to what I was already into. Like, what do I actually enjoy doing when nobody’s telling me what to do? What do I spend my time thinking about, even when I’m supposed to be doing something else? I made a big list of all that stuff, no matter how silly it seemed. Turns out, I’m really into old sci-fi movies, baking weird, experimental cookies, and trying to teach my cat to high-five. Don’t judge me.

Digging Deeper

Next, I tried to see if there was anything I wanted to, like, actually change in the world. Big or small. It’s funny, but when you start looking, you notice problems everywhere. Like, why are all the cookie cutters shaped like boring things? Why can’t we have more sci-fi movies with practical effects? And why is my cat so stubborn about high-fiving? These are the important questions, people!

Putting It All Together

So I thought, “Okay, what if I combined some of these things?” Like, what if I started a blog or something where I review old sci-fi movies, but I also bake a batch of cookies inspired by each movie? And maybe, just maybe, I could document my cat’s high-five training journey. Because who wouldn’t want to see that, right?

Here’s what I did, step-by-step:

  • Brain Dump: I wrote down every single interest, hobby, and weird quirk I could think of. No filter, no judgment.
  • Problem Hunting: I looked for things that bugged me, things I wished were different, things I wanted to improve.
  • Mashup Time: I started mixing and matching my interests and the problems I found to see if any cool combinations popped up.
  • Experiment: I picked one combination that seemed fun and just started doing it. No pressure, just exploring.

It’s still early days, but I’m having a blast. I’m baking some seriously weird cookies, my cat might actually be learning to high-five (or at least tolerate it), and I’m rediscovering some awesome old movies. Who knows if this is “the niche,” but it feels pretty good right now. And that’s all that matters, right?

Dive into the world of niche: Get easy tips to find a niche that matches your interests.

It was a long journey, but I’m glad I took it. Maybe this whole “niche” thing isn’t about finding some pre-made perfect spot, but about making your own little space in the world. And maybe, just maybe, filling it with weird cookies and a high-fiving cat.


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今天跟大家唠唠我最近入手的这双耐克Air Max 1海军蓝配色的鞋。说起这双鞋,那可真是有点故事。 之前一直想搞一双穿着舒服,看着也顺眼的运动鞋,你知道的,现在这年头,没双像样的鞋都不好意思出门。我就开始在网上瞎逛,各种牌子、各种款式,看得我眼花缭乱。后来无意中看到有人晒这双Air Max 1,说是啥海军蓝配色,我一眼就相中,这颜色,低调又不失个性,正合我意! 然后我就开始各种搜,你猜怎么着?这鞋还挺火,很多店都卖断货。不过好在我这人比较执着,坚持不懈地搜索,终于被我找到一个商家还有货,而且价格还算公道。我当时那个激动,二话不说就下单。 等快递那几天,我真是望眼欲穿,每天都要刷好几遍物流信息。终于,在一个阳光明媚的下午,快递小哥给我打来电话,我迫不及待地冲下楼,拿到我的宝贝。 打开盒子那一刻,我还是有点小惊艳的。这鞋的实物比图片上还要好看,海军蓝的鞋身,搭配白色的中底和Swoosh,简约又大气。我仔细看看,这鞋的做工也挺不错的,走线整齐,没有啥明显的瑕疵。鞋身用麂皮和网眼布的材质,摸起来手感不错,看起来也很有质感。 光好看还不行,关键还得穿着舒服。我赶紧穿上试试,你别说,这鞋上脚还真挺舒服的。鞋底的气垫软软的,走起路来特别有弹性,而且鞋子的包裹性也很感觉整个脚都被稳稳地托住。虽然说是海军蓝,但是实际上脚还是有点偏黑的深蓝色,不过质感真不错。 穿几天下来,我对这双鞋是越来越满意。不仅穿着舒服,而且还特别百搭,不管是配运动裤还是牛仔裤都很好看。走在路上,回头率都高不少,哈哈! 这回购物经历还是挺愉快的。这双耐克Air Max 1海军蓝配色的鞋,无论是外观还是舒适度都让我很满意。虽然等快递的过程有点煎熬,但拿到鞋的那一刻,我觉得一切都值! 再说几句外观:海军蓝配色,简约大气,很百搭。 材质:麂皮和网眼布,有质感,手感 舒适度:气垫鞋底,软弹舒适,包裹性 价格:虽然不便宜,但是感觉还是挺值的,毕竟是限量款。如果你也想买一双穿着舒服又好看的运动鞋,我强烈推荐这双耐克Air Max 1海军蓝配色!保证你不会失望的!