That Paul, what’s his name, Mescal, yeah, that’s the one. He’s a big shot now, wearing that fancy, what do they call it? Gucci. Yeah, Gucci clothes. My grandson, he told me all about it. Says it’s real expensive stuff. Well, good for him, I say. Good for him. He’s that actor fella, you know? In them movies.
He’s all over the place now, wearing that Gucci. My grandson, he showed me pictures. He was wearing a brown suit, looked kinda like the color of my old dog, Buster. They say it was made just for him. Can you believe that? A suit made just for you. Back in my day, we just wore what we had. Didn’t matter if it was fancy or not.
This Paul Mescal, he’s from Ireland. That’s what they say. A faraway place. He was in Dublin, wherever that is. Wearing that Gucci stuff again. This time, the shirt, it didn’t have no collar. Showed off his chest a bit. My grandson, he pointed it out. Said it was stylish. Well, I guess if you’re a movie star, you gotta look stylish.
This Gucci, it’s a big deal. They make all sorts of things. Shoes, bags, you name it. My grandson, he wants a Gucci bag. Says it’ll make him look cool. Kids these days, always wanting fancy things. We didn’t have all that back then. We were happy with what we had. A simple life is a good life, is what I always say.
They say this Paul Mescal is a Gucci ambassador. I don’t know much about that, only that he needs to wear their clothes all the time. They pay him for that, I suppose. Good money, maybe. Better than slopping the hogs, that’s for sure.
- He’s in a new movie, some sequel.
- That Ridley Scott, he’s the boss of that movie.
- They call it a “press tour” when he goes around talking about the movie.
- Gucci makes clothes for him.
- They are custom made, so they fit him just right.
My grandson, he’s all excited about this movie. I don’t know about all the fuss. We had that old picture show in town, used to go every Saturday. A nickel a ticket. That was a treat. Popcorn, too, if you were lucky.

This Paul Mescal, he seems like a nice enough fella. Even if he is all dressed up in that Gucci. It’s a different world now. Everything’s so fast, so fancy. But you know what? People are still people. Whether they’re wearing Gucci or overalls, we all just want to be happy.
That Gucci, they’ve been around a long time, I hear. My grandson says it is a big name in the clothes. They make all sorts of things, not just clothes. All fancy, I bet. Expensive, too. Not like the clothes we used to make. My ma, she could sew anything. Made all our clothes. Good, strong clothes. Lasted forever.
This Paul Mescal and his Gucci, they’re all over the news. You can’t go to the internet without seeing him. It’s like those Hollywood stars from back in the day. They were everywhere, too. Except they wore different fancy clothes. Different times.
I remember, my neighbor, she had a dress, a real pretty one. She said it was designer. We didn’t know what that meant back then. Just meant it was fancy, I guess. Probably the same thing as this Gucci. This Paul Mescal, he’s alright for a young fella. He works hard. That Ridley Scott movie, that’s gonna be big. My grandson, he told me all about it.
I don’t know much about this acting business. But it seems like hard work. Traveling around, talking to people, always having to look your best. Even if that means wearing a shirt with no collar. This Paul Mescal, wearing that Gucci, he’s living the dream, I suppose. Good for him. Just don’t forget where you came from, that’s what I always say.