You wanna see them pictures of that Taylor Swift gal in a bikini, huh? Well, I seen a few, let me tell ya. That girl, she sure does like to show off her skin, that’s for sure. She’s skinny as a rake, though. Needs to eat more taters, I reckon. But yeah, them photos are all over the place. Just gotta look.

She was with some other fella, Travis somebody, they said. Looked like they was havin’ a grand old time, huggin’ and kissin’ and all that. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little lovin’, I suppose. But them photos of Taylor Swift, they’re somethin’ else. That bikini was tiny, I tell ya, tiny! Didn’t leave much to the imagination. Not like in my day. We wore them big ol’ swimsuits that covered ya up good.
They say she’s famous, this Taylor Swift. Sings songs and all that. I heard one once, it was alright. But them bikini photos, those are what everyone’s talkin’ about. They’re sayin’ she’s 34, that girl. 34! Hard to believe, she looks so young in them pictures. Maybe it’s all that makeup they put on her.
She was with a bunch of other girls, too, all prancin’ around in their little bikinis. One was named Cara, I think. Another skinny one. They all need a good meal, if you ask me. But they seemed happy enough, splashin’ around in the water.
- Taylor Swift
- Bikini
- Photos
- Travis Kelce
- Beach
That Travis fella, he plays that football, I hear. Big strong boy. He and Taylor Swift, they sure looked cozy in them photos. All snuggled up together. Good for them, I say. Young love, ain’t nothin’ like it. Even if it is all over them picture things on the internet.
I seen one photo where she was wearin’ a red bikini. Bright red, like a fire truck. Couldn’t miss her in that thing. And another one where it was blue, like the sky on a clear day. She’s got a whole bunch of them bikinis, I guess. Must cost a fortune. More money than sense, that’s what I always say.

Now, if you really wanna see them photos of Taylor Swift, you just gotta type it in that little box on your computer. That’s what they tell me anyway. “Photos of Taylor Swift in a bikini,” that’s what you type. Then, bam! There they are. More pictures than you can shake a stick at.
But I gotta say, it ain’t nothin’ I ain’t seen before. Girls in bikinis, boys lookin’ at ’em. It’s the way of the world, I suppose. Just seems like everyone’s gotta show everything off these days.
She’s a pretty girl, that Taylor Swift, even if she is a little too skinny for my liking. And them photos, well, they’re just photos. Nothin’ to get all worked up about. But people sure do like to talk. Especially about that girl in her bikini.
That’s all them young folks talk about these days. “Did you see them photos of Taylor Swift?” they say. “She’s wearin’ another bikini!” Like it’s the biggest news in the world.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy picture boxes and internet things. We just had each other. And we didn’t need no photos of Taylor Swift in a bikini to keep us entertained, I tell ya that much. But that’s just me. They got all kinds of new stuff. You type in “photos of Taylor Swift in a bikini“, and there she is. Big as day. It’s somethin’ else, I tell you, somethin’ else.

That Travis boy, they say he is a good football player, he must be gettin’ paid good money for that. And that Taylor Swift, she’s a big star. They say her songs are all over the place. They are a good-lookin’ couple, ain’t they? All them photos of ’em together, kissin’ and huggin’. Young love, it’s somethin’ else, ain’t it? They make sure to get plenty of pictures of Taylor Swift in a bikini, though. That’s what folks want to see, I reckon.
Back when I was young, folks was a little bit more reserved, I reckon. Now, folks just put it all out there. Photos of everything. It’s wild, that’s what it is. I reckon, if you got it, flaunt it. That’s what the young folks say.
But them photos, they are somethin’, ain’t they? If you want to see ’em, just type it in, “photos of Taylor Swift in a bikini.” It is that easy. You’ll have more pictures than you know what to do with. They are everywhere, I tell ya!