Okay, so, I wanted to share something that happened recently. You know Sydney Sweeney, right? That actress everyone’s been talking about? She’s in “Euphoria,” “Everything Sucks,” and a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, I started getting curious about her latest projects.

First, I grabbed my phone and opened up my browser. I typed in “Sydney Sweeney” and started looking at what she’s been up to. Apparently, she’s got this new movie called “Reality.” It’s supposed to come out on May 29th, 2023. They even showed it at the Berlin International Film Festival in February. It’s based on a true story about a whistleblower named Reality Winner.
Then I found something called “Immaculate.” It’s a horror movie, which is kind of a change for her, I think. It’s coming out on March 22nd, and she plays a character named Cecilia. The whole thing seems pretty intense, all bloody and religious and stuff. I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it alone, to be honest.
- Saw something about her being in a “Barbarella” remake.
- Read that she’s really close with Zendaya, which is cool.
- Found out she’s apparently worth $40 million!
So yeah, that’s what I discovered about Sydney Sweeney’s latest work. I spent a good hour just going down this rabbit hole, clicking on different articles and stuff. She’s got a lot going on! I will keep searching for her trailer for these two movies and see if it is worth my expectation.