Oh, honey, let me tell you, these asian models, they sure are somethin’. You see ’em all over the place these days. In them fancy magazines my granddaughter reads, on the TV, all over them moving picture boxes. They got the skinny legs and them high cheekbones. Just pretty as a picture, I reckon.

Now, back in my day, we didn’t have none of these asian models walkin’ around. We just had regular folks, you know? Big, small, some with a little meat on their bones, some skinny as a rail. But these days, it’s all about them asian models. They’re everywhere!
I seen one the other day, she was wearin’ a dress that cost more than my whole house, I bet. All sparkly and shiny. She was walkin’ down that long stage thing they got, you know, the one where they strut their stuff. And people were just a-clappin’ and a-cheerin’. It was a sight to behold, I tell ya.
My granddaughter, she wants to be one of them asian models. She’s always lookin’ at them pictures in them magazines. She says they’re “popular.” I don’t know nothin’ about popular, but I do know they’re all skinny as a twig. I told her she needs to eat more, put some meat on them bones. But she just rolls her eyes at me. Young folks these days, they don’t listen to their elders no more.
I heard from my neighbor, her niece, she knows someone who knows one of them asian models. She got to go to all them fancy places. They put her in all those pretty clothes, and take pictures of her all day long. They call it “modeling”. I think it’s all a bunch of hooey, but what do I know? I’m just an old lady.
I remember a time when models, well, they didn’t look like they do now. Seems like they got all kinds of folks now, but these asian models, they’re takin’ over, I tell ya. They got that certain look, I guess. All slim and long-legged. My legs haven’t been long in a good while! They’re just “high fashion” is what they are.

- They get to wear fancy clothes.
- They get their picture taken all the time.
- They walk down that long stage.
- They’re popular, I guess. Popular asian model, that is what I heard.
- This one is “high fashion”, that one is also “high fashion”. They are all “high fashion”.
I seen this one girl, she was on the cover of a magazine. They called her Ms. Hua. Pretty little thing. She’s one of them new asian models, they say. She’s leadin’ the way for a whole bunch of ’em. They’re callin’ it a “new generation” or somethin’ like that. I just call it a bunch of skinny girls in fancy clothes.
And there’s another one, Liu Wen, they call her. They say she’s real famous. One of them most famous asian models around. She’s been doin’ this modelin’ thing for a while, I guess. She’s walked for all them fancy designers, names I can’t even pronounce. Big names, they say. I guess she is one of the most popular asian model, too.
I don’t understand all this fuss about these asian models, to be honest. They’re just girls, ain’t they? But my granddaughter, she says it’s a big deal. She says it’s about “art” and “expression” and all that fancy talk. I just think they need to eat a good meal. That is what I think about these asian models.
These young folks, they got all these new ideas. Back in my day, we didn’t have all this “fashion” and “modeling”. We just wore our clothes and went about our business. Didn’t need no fancy stage or no sparkly dresses. But everything changes, that is what people say.
But I guess these asian models, they’re here to stay. They’re on all the covers of them magazines, and on the TV, and in them moving pictures. They’re smilin’ and posin’, and everyone’s just a-lovin’ it. I guess that’s just the way the world is now. It’s all about these “fashion modeling” and asian models. Can’t say I understand it, but I see it everywhere I look.

My neighbor, she said they’re making a lot of money, these asian models. More money than I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I guess that’s why everyone wants to be one. Money makes the world go round. It’s all about that money, I guess. Even for them skinny asian models.
Anyway, I guess that’s all I got to say about them asian models. They are just girls. They’re pretty, I suppose. And they’re everywhere. Just remember what I said about eatin’ a good meal. That’s more important than all that fancy stuff, if you ask me. These asian models, they are all over the place. They just need to eat more.