Well, let me tell you, I seen a lot of things come and go in my time. These young folks, they chase every new shiny thing. But some things, they just stick around. Like them tweed jackets. You know the ones, kinda rough, with them little squares and such. My old man, bless his soul, he had one he wore near every day. Said it kept him warm when he was out feedin’ the chickens.

Now, they’re sayin’ these tweed jackets are back in style. 2024, they say. Imagine that! What’s old is new again, I reckon. Back in my day, we just wore what we had. Didn’t matter if it was “in style” or not. Just had to be practical, you see. Keep you warm, keep you dry. That’s what mattered.
But these young people today, they got all sorts of fancy clothes. They got tweed jackets in all colors now, not just brown and gray like my old man’s. I seen a picture of one, bright pink it was! Can you believe it? Pink tweed! And they wear ’em with all sorts of things. Jeans, skirts, even them fancy dresses.
I saw some of these tweed jackets 2024 on the TV, folks are wearing them and some are selling them. Lordy, they are every where now, like them weeds in my garden, no matter how many you pull out, they just keep coming back! Some folks say tweed is good for winter, it keeps you warm, like a good fire in the hearth. And I thought, well, my old man did wear his in winter time.
They pair them with shirts, they say. Plain shirts, fancy shirts, even them t-shirts the kids wear now. Back in my day, we just had plain shirts. White or blue, mostly. Didn’t have no fancy patterns or nothin’. But these young folks, they like to mix and match. They put stripes with squares and all sorts of things.
I reckon if you want to be “in style,” you gotta wear one of these tweed jackets. They say it’s a “classic” now. Well, I guess they’re right about that. It’s been around for a long, long time. Like me!

If you want one for this year, 2024, I suppose you can find them. The young folk are wearing them a lot. You know, it is one of them things that are always in style. I think.
- That tweed, it’s a tough fabric.
- Last a long time, that’s for sure.
- My old man’s jacket, it outlasted him, bless his heart.
- We gave it to my nephew, and he’s still wearin’ it to this day.
So, are tweed jackets in style 2024? I reckon they are. I see it on TV, in the shops. Everyone’s wearin’ ’em.
The shops got ’em, I suppose. I don’t go to them fancy stores much. Too expensive for my taste. But I seen ’em in the catalogs. And on the television. They got ’em in all sorts of colors and styles now. Short ones, long ones, ones with buttons, ones with zippers. It is just a fashion. Tweed jackets for fall, tweed jackets for winter, all the same I think.
You can wear ’em with anything, I guess. Jeans, skirts, dresses. Whatever you like. Just like them young people do. They don’t care about the rules. They just wear what they want.
I remember when I was young, we didn’t have so many choices. We just wore what we had. And we were happy with it. We didn’t need no fancy clothes to be happy.

But times change, I reckon. And people change with ’em. Now everybody wants to be “in style.” And if that means wearin’ a tweed jacket, well, then I guess that’s what they’ll do.
Me, I’m just gonna stick with my old sweater. It’s warm, it’s comfortable, and it’s seen me through a lot of winters. I don’t need no fancy tweed jacket to keep me warm. I got my memories, and that’s enough for me.
These 2024 tweed jackets, they’re alright, I suppose. If you like that sort of thing. Just remember, it ain’t the clothes that make the person. It’s what’s inside that counts.
And don’t you go spendin’ all your money on fancy clothes. There’s more important things in life than bein’ “in style.” Like family, and friends, and a good, warm meal on a cold night. Those things will never be out of fashion. Those are things that keep you going, not the best tweed jackets or anything.
So yes, to answer the question, tweed is back. Wear it if you like.