This year, they say got that Jordan shoe comin’ out. Fear 3, they call it. Sounds scary, don’t it? But folks are all excited, like a hen over a new nest. Said to be release on November 25th. That’s what I heard. I don’t know what this all about. But this is what I heard about.

They say it cost two hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars! That’s a whole lotta money for shoes. Can buy a whole lotta groceries with that! But you know, young folks these days, they like these fancy things. This Fear 3 release date Jordan, they all talk about it. My grandson, he keeps talkin’ about it. Says he wants them real bad.
I seen a picture of ’em. Orange and black, kinda like a pumpkin, ain’t it? They don’t look like much to me. But what do I know? I’m just an old woman. I remember when shoes were just shoes. Now they got all these names, Air Jordan 3 “Fear”, whatever that means. These Jordan 3, I heard, are said to be good. What’s good, I don’t know.
These young folks, they say this shoe, this Jordan, is special. Part of some “Fear Pack.” Don’t know what a pack is doin’ with shoes. Sounds like somethin’ you’d carry on your back, not put on your feet. But they say it’s a big deal. This Fear 3 release date Jordan, it’s a big deal.
- They say it’s for the whole family.
- Big folks, little folks, can all wear ’em.
- That’s nice, I guess.
- Everyone wants that Jordan 3.
Back in my day, we were happy with any shoes that fit. Didn’t matter what they looked like. Just needed somethin’ to keep your feet from the cold ground. Now, these shoes, they’re like gold or somethin’. This Air Jordan 3 “Fear”, it’s like they’re made of gold.
They say this Jordan fella, the one these shoes are named after, he was scared. Scared of what he wouldn’t become. That’s what they say. Sounds silly to me. What’s there to be scared of? But I guess, if you’re a big shot like him, maybe you got different things to worry about. These Fear 3 release date Jordan, they’re supposed to remind you of that, I reckon.

This Jordan 3, they say it’s been around a long time. Like me! They brought it back in ’94, whatever that means. Just like they bringin’ it back now. Folks liked it then, and they like it now. Guess some things never change, huh? Like how people are crazy about Jordan 3.
My grandson, he says these Jordan shoes, they’re comfortable. He says they feel good on your feet. Don’t rub or nothin’. And you can wear ’em with anything. Jeans, shorts, whatever. That’s good, I suppose. Don’t want shoes that hurt your feet. That’s no good. Especially that Jordan 3, they say it is comfortable.
Back in 2013, they had this other “Fear” thing. Had a 3, a 4, and a 5. Don’t know what all that means. Just numbers, I guess. But this Fear 3 release date Jordan, it’s the one everyone’s talkin’ about now. They say it’s the best one, I guess. The most popular Jordan 3.
Two hundred dollars, though. That’s a lot. Could buy a new dress with that. Or a whole bunch of yarn. I like to knit, you see. Keeps my hands busy. But these young folks, they don’t knit. They want these shoes. This Air Jordan 3 “Fear”. It’s all they talk about.
I guess I’ll never understand it. But if it makes ’em happy, then that’s all that matters, right? Long as they’re happy. Even if it costs two hundred dollars. For a pair of Jordan 3. That’s so expensive. Even if it’s that special Fear 3 release date Jordan.

Maybe I’ll ask my grandson to show me these shoes when he gets ’em. Maybe I’ll try ’em on. See what all the fuss is about. See if they really are that comfortable. Maybe they’ll make me feel young again, who knows? Maybe I’ll even start wearin’ these Jordan 3 shoes. You never know, right? Old dog, new tricks, they say.
Well, I gotta go now. Got chores to do. Chickens need feedin’. But you young folks, you keep talkin’ about your Fear 3 release date Jordan. And your Jordan 3. Sounds important to you. You have fun with it. I guess.