This trainer21 thing, I hear folks talking ’bout it all the time. Seems like everyone wants to get fit these days. Well, I ain’t no spring chicken, but I know a thing or two about staying active. My neighbor, she’s always huffin’ and puffin’ about this trainer21. Says it’s the best thing since sliced bread. So, is it good? I don’t know. Let me tell you what I think.

They say this trainer21 thing, it’s got all sorts of workouts. You know, the kind where you jump around like a jackrabbit. They call it, what is it… HIIT? Yeah, high-intensity somethin’ or other. Sounds like a lot of work to me. Then there is liftin’ them heavy things. They say it makes you strong. And runnin’ and walkin’. My old bones ain’t what they used to be, but I still like a good walk around the block.
Now, this neighbor, she says she wants to lose weight. Well, don’t we all? She’s been at it for a few weeks now. She is always in the gym. Uses all the machines there. Up and down. Up and down. I asked her, how long do I need to use this trainer21 to lose my belly? She told me maybe one month, maybe eight months. Who knows? She says food is important too. Less pie, more greens. She’s tryin’, bless her heart.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy fitness programs. We just worked hard. Farmed the land, chased after the kids, kept the house clean. That was our workout. And it kept you fit, I tell ya. But now, everyone is talking about fitness coach. They say the fitness industry is booming. Whatever that means.
- They say this trainer21 thing is for beginners.
- You need to use it like three times a week.
- They say it helps you get fit fast.
- They have a plan to follow.
- And you need to watch what you eat.
This whole get fit thing, it’s a big deal now. Everyone’s doin’ it. They say you gotta make a workout plan. Write it all down. What you do each day. Monday, you do this. Tuesday, you do that. And keep track the progress. How much you lift, how far you run. Seems like a lot of fuss to me. If you want to build muscle, you have to use it. I think it’s just common sense.
And food. They talk about food all the time now. Back in my day, we ate what we had. Good, honest food. Now, they got all these fancy diets. Low carb, high protein, no sugar. It’s enough to make your head spin. This neighbor, she is always checking the food label. So many numbers. How can she remember all that? I told her to just eat less, move more. That’s my secret. It is the best guide, I think.

This trainer21, they make it sound so complicated. But I think it’s just about movin’ your body. Find somethin’ you like to do. Walkin’, dancin’, gardenin’, whatever. Just get up and move. The young people, they are always looking for shortcuts. They want to get fit fast. I guess that’s why they need trainer21.
They even have a thing to get the paper. It says you can be a trainer. They call it certification. You learn all about this fitness thing. Then you can teach others. My neighbor is thinking about that. She said the demand is high. It is a good business. I told her maybe she should. She knows a lot now.
So, is this trainer21 thing any good? I don’t know. Maybe. If you like that sort of thing. If you need someone to tell you what to do. Me, I’ll stick to my walkin’ and gardenin’. And maybe a little less pie. But don’t tell anyone I said that. It’s our little secret.
This whole fitness thing, it is all very confusing. Too many rules. Too many machines. Just remember to move your body and eat good food. That’s all there is to it. Don’t let them fool you with all their fancy words. This trainer21 may be good. Or it may be not. You have to try and see. If you don’t try, how can you know? But don’t forget to eat less pie. That’s the important part.