Oh, honey, you wanna know about them hairstyles from 2010? Back then, I tell ya, it was all different. Hairstyles for 2010, that’s what they called it. These young folks, they always gotta have a name for everything. Not like us old folks. We just put our hair up and get on with it. But them 2010 hairstyles, they were something, I reckon.

First, them bangs. Lord have mercy, bangs was everywhere. Cut straight across, kinda wispy, didn’t matter. Every girl had ’em. Jennifer Hudson, you know, that singer lady? She had them bangs. Made her look all sassy, I guess. Some folks like that look, all covered up like that. Me, I like to see a face, but that’s just me.
- Bangs, bangs, and more bangs
- Messy side braid was in too
- Some even braided just a little bit by their face
And them braids. Not just regular braids like I used to wear. Messy braids, they called ’em. Like they just rolled outta bed and threw a braid in. Looked kinda sloppy to me, but the young folks loved it. They had this one, a side braid, all loose and falling out. Said it made ’em look young. Maybe it did. Makes me look like I’m losing my mind, but hey, what do I know?
Another thing was the color. Lawd, the color! Ombre and Balayage. Some fancy french words. Never heard of that stuff back in my day. One was like dark on top, light on the bottom. Like they dipped their hair in bleach or something. The other one, I don’t even know. Like they painted it on? Looked like a mess to me. Kids running around with half their hair one color, half another. And red, so much red. Red like a fire truck. Silver, ash-blonde and pastel, too, it all looked crazy.
Then there was this bob thing. Short hair, all cut even around the head. Some folks looked good in it, I suppose. Made ’em look all neat and tidy. Others, well, it just ain’t for everyone. Some people just ain’t made for short hair, I’ll tell you that. They said it looked sleek and polished. I think it made some of them look like little boys.
And those braids and updos! Fancy like. Not just a simple braid like I told you, but all twisted up and pinned. They said it was “bohemian”. I don’t know what that means, some fancy word for messy, I reckon. They’d spend hours doing their hair, only to make it look like they didn’t do it at all. Wasted time, if you ask me. I saw some had a braid running across the top of their head, like a headband. Lauren Conrad, she wore that one, whoever she is.

You know, they had all kind of hair lengths, too. Most had hair down to their arms, around the biceps, they called it. Or just to the neck, looked kinda short to me. But, no bangs with that one, though.
These young folks and their hairstyles. Always changing. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these choices. We just had hair. Long or short, that was it. But these 2010 hairstyles, they were a whole different thing. It’s like they was trying to be different just to be different. Like they just want to look cool.
One more thing I remember is loose and messy was the look then. Some fancy hair man said that was the look. I think his name was Stephane or something, he was from Paris and L.A. I think he said long and easy was in style.
I reckon some of it is coming back in. I saw a girl the other day with that ombre hair. Said it was the fashion. Well, I guess what is old is new again. You know, they got a name for that too, something about a circle. I don’t know, I don’t keep up with all of that. These 2010 hairstyles was just the beginning of all of this craziness if you ask me.
Anyway, that’s all I remember about them 2010 hairstyles. A lot of fuss over nothing, if you ask me. But the young folks, they love it. So, if you wanna look like you’re from 2010, get yourself some bangs, make a messy braid, and maybe dip your hair in some bleach. Just don’t come crying to me when it all falls out.