That Kanye, he sure likes to dress up! This time, it’s all about that Donda thing. What is Donda? Some folks say it is his momma’s name. Bless her soul. I reckon he misses her real bad. So he made this whole album and everything, wearin’ all sorts of outfits. It’s called Donda, just like his mama.
Now, I seen pictures. Lord have mercy. That boy, he sure has a way of putting clothes together. Some of it, well, I don’t know what to say. I think it is fashion. All those young people, they like that Kanye West Donda outfit. They say he is a fashion designer now. Who would have thought? He’s got all these fancy ideas in his head. And he wears them, too. He is a musician and a fashion designer. My, my, that’s something!
One time, he was wearing all black. Black shirt, black pants. Even got a black mask covering his whole head! Looked like a robber, if you ask me. But I guess that’s the style these days. Another time, it was all red. Red like a fire truck! It is one of Kanye’s outfit. Bright and shiny. Can’t miss him in that getup.
And shoes! He’s got all kinds of shoes. Sneakers, mostly. Big ones, little ones, all colors of the rainbow. I heard he even makes his own shoes now. Calls them Yeezys, or something like that. They cost a pretty penny, too. More than I ever spent on shoes in my whole life. But the young folks, they love ’em. They line up for hours just to get a pair. Crazy, ain’t it?
This whole Donda thing, it’s more than just clothes. It’s like a show. Big stages, lots of lights. He sings his songs, dances around. Sometimes he’s got other people with him, all dressed up in those Kanye Donda outfits too. It’s a spectacle, that’s for sure. I don’t understand all of it, but it sure is entertaining to watch. These young people are all about fashion.
- He likes those fancy brands.
- Balmain, that’s one of them.
- And Tom Ford, he wears that too.
- And Balenciaga, I heard that name a few times as well.
He wears some regular stuff, too. Like Puma, and Vans. I know those. My grandson wears Vans. And, of course, Adidas. That’s a big one. He’s got a whole deal with them, making those Yeezy shoes and all. It is all about Kanye West outfit. He puts some words in his songs about clothes, too. I heard one where he was talking about a red cap. And another one about some fancy jacket. I don’t remember all the words. It is not like the songs we used to sing back in the day. But the kids, they seem to like it. They know all the lyrics.
I think his style has changed over the years. Used to be more preppy, you know? Nice shirts, sweaters, khakis. Like a college boy. Even wore glasses sometimes, those thick black ones. But now, it’s all different. More wild, more… I don’t know, out there. That’s what they say, “out there.” He likes to be different, that Kanye. Always pushing the boundaries, or whatever they call it.
This Donda outfit, it is all part of his image. It is very important for him, I think. He wants to make a statement. And boy, does he make a statement! You can’t ignore him, that’s for sure. Love him or hate him, you gotta admit, the man has style. Even if it’s a style I don’t always understand.
Sometimes he wears a cap. Or a doo-rag, that is what the kids call it. A white doo-rag, cover the head. I do not know much about that. But it is all part of the fashion, the style. And that’s what those young people look for these days. Kanye West, he’s a trendsetter. That is a big word. It means he starts the fashions. And other people follow him. They copy what he does. It is quite something, to have that much influence on people. That is the Donda era, they call it. A whole era named after his mama.
I guess, in the end, it’s all about expressing yourself. That’s what they say. Finding your own style, being true to who you are. And Kanye, he’s definitely doing that. He’s being himself, alright. Loud and proud. And the world is watching. Can’t say I understand it all. But I’m happy for him. He found something he loves, and he’s making a living out of it. Can’t ask for much more than that, can you?
I think that is a lot of words about Kanye’s Donda outfit. He is a fashion guy. He likes to wear different things. That is all there is to it, I reckon. That is a lot of words. I think I said enough.