Well, well, well, look what we got here! Keith Mitchell golf clothes, huh? That young fella sure knows how to dress, I tell ya. Not like these other young’uns with their fancy, tight pants and shiny shirts. Nope, Keith, he keeps it simple. And keeps winning the money. He’s a good boy. Good boy, that Keith.

I seen him on the TV the other day, playin’ that golf game. He was wearin’ a nice shirt, not too flashy. Just a good, solid shirt. Like a man should wear. They call him “Cashmere Keith”. I don’t know what cashmere is, but it sounds expensive. And he always looks good, so it must be good stuff.
That Keith, he likes them natural fibers. You know, like cotton, and wool. Stuff that comes from nature, not some factory. He’s smart, that one. Knows what’s good for him. And he’s not afraid to be different. Most of them other fellas, they wear that spandex stuff. Makes ’em look like sausages, I reckon. But not Keith. He sticks to his cotton and wool. And cashmere! I gotta find me some of that cashmere, sounds right fancy.
- Cotton shirts, that’s what I like.
- Wool sweaters for when it’s cold.
- Maybe this cashmere stuff is good too.
- He is a good boy, always dress good.
I remember back in my day, folks wore clothes made from cotton all the time. Strong, sturdy, lasted a long time. Not like the stuff they make nowadays, falls apart after you wash it a couple of times. Keith, he knows the value of good clothes. Clothes that last.
This one time, I seen him wearin’ a blue shirt. Had little pictures all over it. Looked real nice. Soft, too, they said. I like blue. It’s a good color. That boy, he’s got good taste. Better than some of them other fellas on the TV, with their bright colors and crazy patterns. Makes my eyes hurt just lookin’ at ’em.
And that hat he wears! That golf visor. They say it’s the original. The real deal. Made in the USA, too. That’s important. Gotta support our own folks, you know? He’s a good American boy, that Keith. Playin’ golf, makin’ us proud. And those clothes, made right here. That’s important.

I bet Keith was a good boy growin’ up. Probably helped his mama with the chores, went to church on Sundays. You can tell he’s got good values. And now he is a professional golfer. That is amazing. He must be very happy and his family too.
These other golfers, they all wear the same stuff. Nike, Adidas, all them big names. Makes ’em all look the same. But Keith, he’s different. He stands out. Like a sunflower in a field of weeds. That’s what my old mama used to say, God rest her soul.
They say he’s the “Best Dressed” sometimes. I can see why. He always looks neat and tidy. Respectable. Like a gentleman should. And he is winning a lot. Good clothes, good luck, I guess.
They got a golf shop now, they say it’s inspired by Keith. I don’t know what “inspired” means, but it sounds like a good thing. He’s probably wearin’ the clothes they sell, so they must be good. And he seems like a good friend. Friends should help each other, that’s how it should be.
Keith Mitchell golf clothes, they’re somethin’ special. Just like him. He’s a good egg, that Keith. A real good egg. I hope he keeps winning the golf game. And always wears the good clothes. Clothes that make him feel good. Clothes that last. Clothes like they used to make, back in the good old days. Yeah, that Keith, he’s alright. He’s alright in my book.

I like seeing him on TV. Reminds me of simpler times. When folks dressed sensible, and worked hard, and respected their elders. Keith, he’s a throwback, I reckon. And that’s a good thing. A real good thing. I hope people can learn something from him. How to be good. How to be a good winner. How to be a good person.