Love Melania First Lady Outfits? Here is a Look at Her Fashion Evolution


Alright, so, I got into this whole thing about checking out Melania Trump’s outfits from when she was First Lady. I mean, the woman always looked put together, right? So I decided I was going to catalog them, or at least as many as I could find pictures of.

Love Melania First Lady Outfits? Here is a Look at Her Fashion Evolution

First, I spent a good chunk of time just scouring the internet for photos. I used all the usual spots – you know, Google Images, some news sites, even those gossip blogs that pop up everywhere. I was really just casting a wide net, grabbing anything and everything I could find that showed her in a different outfit.

  • I made a huge folder on my computer just for these pictures.
  • Then I started sorting them, which was a whole project in itself.
  • I decided to go by year first, so I made subfolders for each year she was in the White House.

After that, I dug in deeper. I tried to figure out who designed each outfit, when she wore it, and what the occasion was. This was a little trickier. Sometimes the information was right there in the article where I found the photo, but other times I had to do some serious detective work. I flipped through tons of articles, scrolled through endless captions, just piecing things together.

Day One

I spent the whole day just gathering images and I felt like my eyes were going to fall out. But I managed to collect a bunch. Some were easy to find details on, others were a real pain.

Day Two

Organizing was the name of the game. I got everything into those yearly folders and started on a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. Let me tell you, spreadsheets are not my strong suit, but I muddled through.

Day Three

This was research day. I went back to all those pictures and tried to fill in the blanks on my spreadsheet. Designer, date, event – the whole nine yards. I found myself going down some serious rabbit holes, like figuring out the history of a particular designer or what other events happened on the same day she wore a certain dress. It was actually kind of fascinating, even if it did take forever.

Love Melania First Lady Outfits? Here is a Look at Her Fashion Evolution

By the end of it, I had this massive collection of photos and a spreadsheet that, while maybe not perfect, was pretty darn detailed. I learned a lot about fashion, designers, and even a little bit about White House events. It was way more work than I initially thought it would be, but hey, I ended up with a pretty cool project, I think. And now I can tell you way more than anyone would want to know about Melania’s First Lady style.


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