Maison Margiela Couture 2024 Models: Meet the Faces! Get Inspired by Their Looks!


Yesterday, I tried to recreate the vibe of the Maison Margiela Spring/Summer 2024 Haute Couture show. You know, the one that everyone’s been talking about since January. I was so hyped about it, and I just had to do something myself.

Maison Margiela Couture 2024 Models: Meet the Faces! Get Inspired by Their Looks!

First off, I set the stage. The original show was under the Pont Alexandre III bridge in Paris, so I picked my spot carefully. I found this old, kind of run-down underpass near my place that had a similar feel. It wasn’t Paris, but hey, it worked. I went there after dark to get that mysterious vibe.

Then, I focused on the music. Lucky Love’s performance was a big part of the show’s atmosphere. I managed to get his track “Now I Don’t Need Your Love” and even found some of the backup singers like Luc Bruyère and others mentioned in the program. I played it on repeat, trying to get into that mood.

  • Selected music by Lucky Love.
  • Found backup singers’ details.
  • Played the track on repeat.

Next, I tried to mimic the models’ looks. I read somewhere that they were limping down the runway in deconstructed outfits. So, I grabbed some old clothes and started ripping and cutting them up. I walked around my makeshift runway, trying to limp like them. It was harder than I thought! It felt a bit weird, but I think I got the hang of it after a few tries. And I felt so cool, you know?

Recreating The Show

I also tried to understand the whole concept behind the collection. It’s about the practices that shape our character and how we dress. I spent some time reflecting on my own style and how it’s influenced by my experiences. Kind of deep, right? But, I think it makes sense, all the things we are doing in our life will have some influence on our choice of clothes.

The original show was described as a recreation of a 1920s dive bar. I didn’t have bentwood chairs or violet cocktails, but I did what I could. I set up some old chairs and made myself a drink that looked kind of sickly and cloudy. Close enough, I guess.

Maison Margiela Couture 2024 Models: Meet the Faces! Get Inspired by Their Looks!

In the end, it was a fun experiment. I don’t think I captured the full magic of the Maison Margiela show, but I definitely got a taste of it. It was cool to dive into that world for a night and try to recreate it in my own way. I would totally do something like this again. Maybe next time, I’ll pick a different show and see what I can come up with. What a day, right?


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