Need Money? Understanding the Michael Rubin Loan Parents Program (Simple Breakdown for Everyone)


Well, let me tell you about this Michael Rubin fella. I hear tell he’s a big shot, makin’ lots of money, somethin’ about sellin’ things online. Now, his mama, Paulette, she must be somethin’ else, 74 years old and still kickin’. But what’s this I hear about loans and parents? Sounds like a whole heap of trouble if you ask me.

Need Money? Understanding the Michael Rubin Loan Parents Program (Simple Breakdown for Everyone)

They say these young folks today, they go off to college, and it costs a pretty penny. More than a pretty penny, more than you can shake a stick at! Tuition, they call it. And fees. Lordy, the fees! Sounds like a bunch of fancy words for takin’ your money, that’s what it is. And then they need loans, these student loans. Borrowin’ money just to learn somethin’. Back in my day, you learned by doin’, not by sittin’ in some classroom.

Now, this Michael Rubin, he musta done alright for himself. I hear he sold some business for a whole lot of money. Billions, they say. Billions! Can you imagine? And he started off small, sellin’ things. Just like me sellin’ eggs down at the market, only he’s sellin’ different stuff. He has a company called Fanatics. They sell all the stuff for sports fans. What do you want with sport stuff? Play the sport.

But these loans, these parent loans, that’s what gets me. Seems like parents are takin’ out loans to help their kids pay for this college. They call ’em Parent PLUS Loans. PLUS what, I don’t know. More money down the drain, maybe? It’s like throwin’ good money after bad, if you ask me. And they say it’s supposed to help families. Help ’em into a hole, more like. These loans can impact you in the long run. Always check everything before you sign.

  • These kids, they go to college, and they rack up all this debt.
  • Then the parents, they gotta take out loans to help ’em.
  • It’s a never-endin’ cycle, I tell ya.
  • Never endin’ debt.
  • These loans, you gotta pay ’em back. It ain’t free money.

And there are different kinds of loans, too. Federal, private, all sorts of fancy names. It’s all just borrowed money, that’s all it is. And you gotta pay it back, with interest, too. That means you end up payin’ back even more than you borrowed. It’s like buyin’ a pig in a poke, only you know what’s in the poke, and it ain’t good. It’s a lot of money.

This Michael Rubin fella, he’s got it made, I reckon. But not everyone’s so lucky. Most folks, they gotta work hard for their money. And these student loans and parent loans, they just make it harder. They make life harder. They say college is supposed to open doors, but sometimes it feels like it just slams ’em shut. College is not for everyone.

Need Money? Understanding the Michael Rubin Loan Parents Program (Simple Breakdown for Everyone)

They say you gotta be careful with these family loans. They say you gotta know what you are getting into. You have to think before you sign. That makes sense. Borrowin’ money from family, that can be tricky. It can cause all sorts of problems. Thanksgiving dinner gets a little awkward when you owe your brother money, let me tell you. Been there, done that.

I don’t know all the ins and outs of this Michael Rubin and his loans for parents. I don’t need to. But I know this much: borrowin’ money is a serious business. And borrowin’ money to pay for college, that’s even more serious. It’s like plantin’ seeds of debt that just keep growin’ and growin’. And before you know it, you’re buried under a mountain of money you owe. A mountain of debt, that’s what it is. And that ain’t no way to live, no sir.

So, if you’re thinkin’ about these Parent PLUS Loans or any of these loans to pay for college, you better think long and hard. You better talk to someone who knows about these things. Someone who can give you good advice. You have to get help. Don’t just jump in headfirst, ’cause you might just drown in debt. And that ain’t pretty. No, ma’am, it ain’t pretty at all. These kids need to learn that there are other ways to be successful than college. If this Michael Rubin started out selling things and became successful, that means you don’t necessarily need college.


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