Tiffany & Co Paper Clip: A Stylish and Luxurious Office Supply


Alright, let’s gab about this here Tiffany & Co. paper clip. You heard that right, a paper clip! Not just any paper clip, mind you, but a fancy-schmancy one from that there Tiffany store, the one all them rich folks go to. Now, I ain’t no city slicker, but even I know Tiffany’s is s’posed to be all high-falutin’ and whatnot.

Tiffany & Co Paper Clip: A Stylish and Luxurious Office Supply

First off, I saw somethin’ online, said some other company, Prada I think it was, made a paper clip too. Said it was like, $185! Can you believe that? Folks online were hoppin’ mad, sayin’ that thing better hold their whole life together for that kinda money. Well, let me tell ya, this Tiffany one is even crazier.

I heard tell it’s a whopping $1,500! Fifteen hundred dollars! For a paper clip! I could buy a whole lotta things with that money. Heck, I could probably buy a whole new henhouse, a few good laying hens, and still have enough left over for a fancy feed bucket. And this thing ain’t even that big, just a couple inches long, maybe two and a half, they say. That’s like payin’ a king’s ransom for a tiny piece of metal.

  • First off, it’s made of silver, they call it “sterling silver.” Sounds fancy, but it’s still just a paper clip at the end of the day.
  • And they say it’s from Tiffany’s, which I guess means it’s supposed to be special. But shoot, I could bend a piece of wire myself and it’d hold papers just the same.
  • Some folks are buyin’ ‘em used too, on that Poshmark thing. I don’t get it. Used! Like a used paperclip is somehow better.

Now, I ain’t sayin’ rich folks can’t spend their money how they want. If they wanna spend a thousand and five hundred dollars on somethin’ to hold their papers together, well, that’s their business. But it just seems plumb crazy to me. I mean, what does it even do? Does it magically make your bills disappear? Does it make your writin’ any better? I doubt it.

They say you can use it in your home office, to make it look all fancy. Says it’s “expertly crafted” and made of “luxurious bone china, crystal glass, sterling silver, and Italian leather.” Now hold on a minute, a paper clip made of bone china? That don’t sound right. And Italian leather? What in tarnation is a paper clip gonna do with leather? Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. They’re just tryin’ to make it sound all important so they can charge you an arm and a leg.

I also saw some talk about a heart-shaped one. Same deal, Tiffany’s, silver, comes with a little bag and a box. Probably costs even more! Like a regular paper clip ain’t good enough, gotta make it a heart. I guess if you’re gonna spend that kinda money, you might as well make it cute, huh?

Tiffany & Co Paper Clip: A Stylish and Luxurious Office Supply

Luxury desk accessories, they call ’em. Well, I got my own luxury desk accessories, thank you very much. I got a mason jar full of pens, a rock to hold down papers when the wind blows through the window, and a picture of my grandbabies to keep me company. And I bet my desk accessories work just as good, if not better, than any of them fancy Tiffany things.

Honestly, I think people just buy these things to show off. To say, “Look at me, I can afford a fifteen hundred dollar paper clip.” Well, good for them, I guess. But me? I’ll stick with my regular old paper clips, the ones that come in a box of a hundred for a couple of dollars. They hold my papers just fine, and I don’t have to worry about losin’ ’em, ’cause if I do, it ain’t no big deal. I just get another one.

So, that’s my two cents on this here Tiffany paper clip. It’s too much money for somethin’ so small and simple. But hey, what do I know? I’m just an old woman who appreciates a good bargain and a sturdy pair of work boots. If you got the money to burn, go ahead and buy yourself a fancy paper clip. But me? I’ll stick with what works, and save my money for somethin’ that really matters, like feed for my chickens and maybe a new pair of overalls.


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