Oh, these young folks and their fancy shoes! Back in my day, we just had one pair for work and one for Sunday best. But my grandkids, they’re all about these gray Yeezy. What a strange name, Yeezy! Sounds like some kind of sneeze. Anyways, they keep talkin’ about how special they are, so I had a look-see.

First thing I noticed, these Yeezy, they ain’t cheap! My grandson, he saved up all his chore money for a month just to get a pair of these gray Yeezy shoes. He says everyone wants them. Says they’re like gold for your feet. Gold! Can you believe it? Shoes more expensive than my good necklace.
Why All the Fuss About Gray Yeezy?
These Yeezy, they’re made by some rapper man, I think. Kanye, they call him. He’s famous, I guess. My granddaughter, she showed me pictures. He always looks angry. Maybe his shoes are too tight. Anyway, these Yeezy shoes, they don’t look like regular shoes. Kinda strange looking, really.
- They’re all bumpy and lumpy, like a toad.
- The gray ones, they look like they’ve been dragged through the mud.
- But the kids, they say that’s the style. Fashion, they call it.
I don’t get this fashion thing. In my day, you wanted your shoes to look clean and new. Now they pay good money for shoes that look old and dirty. The world’s gone topsy-turvy, I tell ya! These gray Yeezy, they’re a mystery to me. But the grandkids, they sure do love ’em.
My grandson, he says these gray Yeezy are special ’cause not everyone can get them. They only make so many, he says. Like a limited edition, whatever that means. He waits in line, online he says, for hours just for a chance to buy them. It’s all a big to-do. Why they can’t just go to the store and buy shoes like normal folks, I don’t know.
Are These Gray Yeezy Worth It?
Well, I asked my grandson if these Yeezy shoes make him run faster or jump higher. He just laughed. Said they don’t do nothin’ special, just look cool. Cool! Paying all that money just to look cool. Back in my day, cool meant staying out of the sun on a hot day. These young people have a different idea of cool, I reckon.

My granddaughter, she says these gray Yeezy shoes are comfortable. Says they’re like walking on clouds. Well, I’ve never walked on clouds, but I doubt they’re gray and lumpy. She says the bottom of the shoes, the sole she calls it, is special. Made of some kind of rubber that feels good on your feet. Okay, I can understand that. Comfort is important, even if they do look like a mud pie.
She also said that the gray Yeezy shoes got some special design on the bottom. Makes it so you don’t slip and slide, she said. That’s good, I guess. Don’t want these kids falling down in their fancy shoes. They’d scuff ’em up! Then they wouldn’t be worth so much money. It’s a strange world, ain’t it? Paying more for something that looks used.
Gray Yeezy: Just a Fad?
I asked my friend, Myrtle, about these Yeezy shoes. She’s got grandkids too. She said it’s just a fad. Something that’s popular now but won’t be later. Like those hula hoops we had when we were girls. Everyone wanted one, then nobody did. Maybe these gray Yeezy will be the same. Just a flash in the pan.
I don’t know. Kids these days, they get caught up in these things. They want what everyone else has. It’s always been that way, I suppose. Just seems like it’s more expensive now. When I was young, it was a new ribbon for your hair or a shiny button. Now it’s these gray Yeezy that cost a fortune.
But, if it makes them happy, I guess it’s alright. They work hard for their money. They can spend it how they want. Even if it is on strange-looking gray shoes that cost more than my Sunday dress. These Yeezy things. Who would have thought, right? Just gotta shake my head and smile. Kids will be kids, I suppose, no matter what color their shoes are. These gray Yeezy are all the rage these days, they sure are something else.