Okay, here is my sharing about “megan draper” today, I hope you guys like it.

So, I was watching Mad Men the other day – you know, that show about the advertising guys in the ’60s? Anyway, I got to thinking about Don Draper’s second wife, Megan.
At first, I was like, “Oh, she’s just another pretty face.” I mean, she’s young, she’s beautiful, and she’s clearly got Don wrapped around her finger. I thought she could be the one, for sure. But then, as the show goes on, you start to see the cracks. It’s a bumpy ride, let me tell you.
First, I tried to find out why they even split up. Like, seriously, what happened? I did some digging, and it seems like there’s no one answer. I guess their relationship is as complicated as Don’s personality. I read this one comment that said Megan was “THEE ONE” for Don, but they still couldn’t make it work. It’s a head-scratcher, isn’t it?
Then I stumbled upon this one moment. I remember seeing it in the show. Remember when Don’s old flame, Stephanie, shows up pregnant? Seven months, to be exact. And Megan gets all weird about it. I thought she was all chill, but then she kinda bribes Stephanie with some cash to get her to leave before Don can even see her. That raised a big red flag for me. I was thinking, “Girl, what are you so scared of?” It’s like she knows Don’s got a wandering eye or something, and it’s just a matter of time.
So, I kept watching, and things get worse. Megan quits her job at the ad agency to become an actress. She’s all passionate about it, but you can tell it’s not going anywhere. It was tough to watch. I felt bad for her, to be honest. After a while, she left the show. I read somewhere that her acting career didn’t exactly take off after that. I guess it’s not as easy as it looks.

Then there is the whole divorce thing. She gets a check from Don, and it’s like, this is it, the end of the road. I couldn’t help but think, “What a mess.” I mean, she gave up her job for this guy, and now she’s walking away with nothing but a check. It felt really sad. I guess not everyone can handle the Don Draper rollercoaster.
The last time we see her, she’s not even with Don. It’s this whole other scene, and it’s just… I don’t know, it’s kind of a letdown. You’d think she’d have this big dramatic exit, but it’s just kind of quiet and sad. A real bummer, if you ask me.
Anyways, that’s my two cents on Megan Draper. A rollercoaster of a character, that’s for sure. What did you guys think of her? Let me know in the comments!